
What's New In Little House In The Woods

Oh yes here we are out in the woods, what a lovely day it is today at the "Little House In The Woods"
Look how clear the sky is this picture I have to say really came out quite amazing, I was just laying down on the ground and click !

Hi Shiloh, do you want to come out and play?

Floral arrangement I made today for the Sun Room Dinning Table

Here we are out in the Sun Room, it seems as if the grounds are so dried out since we had those 5 Heat Waves and supposed to be getting another one Tomorrow Oh Dear !

Floral arrangement I made today for the table in the Sun Room, must say it did come out rather nice.

Just have one little snowball flower on this bush, must be from all the heat we have been having but No Rain, this bush is usually full of flowers, how Sad

Please meet Brianna The Goose, very nice present to Garden from my sister.
Here is the Frog that is waiting for Lunch as you can see his sign says
MR Cloudy's Grave stone, May He Rest In Peace
Red Thorn bush Shiloh helped me plant
Cocktail Table in the Living Room, It was my Mother's I am so happy to Own it, for I will love and Take care of this table just as she did. can't believe how thick the glass is on this.

Family Room yes the Red Decor is coming along slowly, still looking for more accents to add to the room to brighten it up more, Oh there are red pillows on the couch and love seat. I am finding that it really does take time if you want it just Right ! As I Do
Well that is all that is New for now in the "Little House In The Woods", have allot of work to do on our grounds with the land being overly dry, We need RAIN so badly, but NO we are going to get another Heat Wave, this one will be #6, of which we Really Do Not Need. The grass is so Brittle and I love to walk Barefoot, however my feet sure are getting cut up, Oh Do they ever Hurt. But, I just do not like shoes.

Well I best get going. Think Shiloh and I will spend some time together outside tomorrow and take some more pictures further back in the woods, have not been back there lately, this should be quite interesting. Honestly hope that the ticks stay off of me, Shiloh well she is safe for she always has her Frontline on to protect her.

Till We Meet Again !

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