
BAD TIME AT HAIR CUTTERY SALON 154 Village Plaza Voorhees NJ

This is how my Hair Looked when I arrived home on Sunday 7-10-11, came right home took picture, OH MY it is white and pink and canary yellow and OH MY GOD

Below is my hair After I washed it once in very Cold Water do my head burning So Severely. Guess that Permanent Toner as she called it didn't last through one wash and definitely not lasting 6-8 weeks as she said. You can really see all of the damage that this so called stylist Michelle did to my hair. Oh I do hope that it will all get Repaired with Proper Conditioning Treatment and with it growing back, then I can go to a Great Salon and get it done the way it should be, BUT for now, I will have to find a Cool Hat with it being so very HOT outside, Thanks allot Michelle, just can't believe you were able to do this to my hair, Head, eyes, and one eye lid. God Help any and all that go to that Salon and get her as a stylist.
What a horrible day at the Salon, Sunday 7-10-11, ever since the stylist that I always went to that did the Very Best ever to my hair with the cut color and hi-Lites, things have really been going down hill. The past two times I had a stylist by the name of Sam, she did O K but not what I always had with Kimberly, Sam thinks that I should have allot of gold I do not and I told her both times. Yes I should have went right back when I last had it done by Sam and talked to the Manager, but Sam told me that she is very mean and could get fired just for being 5-10 minutes late for early morning meetings that the manager schedules. So I didn't go and say anything. So yesterday I went there Sam was not there neither was the manager but the Assistant Manager was and she said no problem $159.97(so she hoped for that amount) later she could get the gold out and all would look great and that I would be very happy. This all started at 9:00A.M., she knew I just had my hair done with a head of full foils (Hi -Lites) but she started what I thought was another time having a full head of Hi-Lites, so I asked her, and she replied "this is just to get the gold coloring out of my hair". Then after she put on about 30 or more foils, then she put this dark color dye on while the hair was still in foils, she left me clueless there as to what she was doing then she had me sit there and wait oh I guess about 20 minutes maybe 30, then she took me over to the sink took the foils out and started rinsing my hair in the hottest water I have ever felt in my life, I told her and she brought the temp down then she she shampooed it scrubbing so had and jerking my head back and forth and hitting the sink I didn't know what was going on, so I told her and she rinsed it completely then put a conditioning treatment on it and put me under the extremely hot dryer, now this was getting to be way too much for the heat from the dryer burnt my left eye, eye lid and the skin below that eye, when she walked by I told her and she took me out to the sink, I thought perhaps just perhaps she might have had a little bit of a brain and would have put cool water on my head but OH NO it was that Extremely Hot water again I BITCHED AGAIN and she cooled it and well went through the same thing again as prior to this, then to her station, I grabbed a towel to wipe the soap and dye out of my eye and get all of it off my face also. So she said "How are we cutting your hair ?" I said "you are not" she said "just the ends for they are probably very dry from the bleach she put on my hair to get the gold out". "I said NO for I just had my hair cut the other day but she insisted and started cutting away and there went my great hair cut from Great Clips that I go to. Then she blew my hair dry it was so brassy, pink, and what ever colors there are in a box of crayons. I told her NO I hate it so she said let me put a Permanent Toner on it for it will not damage your hair and will stay in for about 6-8 weeks, I stupidly agreed, I have no Idea what she put on my head but oh how it was Burning and I told her and she sprayed something on it to supposedly cool it off but it did not and she just Didn't want to Listen and put me back under the dryer, more Burning of my head,eyes and this time my face felt like I was laying in 110 degree sun. Got a hold of her told her and yes back to the sink we went think this time she would use cool if not COLD water to cool my head down NO WAY, I think you already guessed it YES the HORRIFIC HOT WATER and went through the same thing again, then back to her station before she even started to comb it or dry it I saw that she ruined my what once was Very Thick and Beautiful Hair that just needed the gold out of it. So she blew it dry and as she did my head was burning more and more and my face and eyes, my head and neck were in Awful Pain from her washing and rinsing and throwing my head and neck around . I told her when she was done blow drying it it was HORRIBLE she Very Angrily grabbed a picture frame that had a picture of her daughter in it and hit my head with it and said "look it is the same color as my daughters hair", was not even close and that was not what I wanted any way. Then she offered to put brown dye on my hair, or give me a Hair Soak, What the Hell is a Hair Soak? Well it is when they soak your head in Peroxide and Bleach to get all color out of your hair, I said "NO WAY For You Have Damaged My HAir and ME Enough" So finally went to the check me out, I was in So Much Pain it was not FUNNY, she gave me $31.99 for the shampoo and conditioner I returned for the shampoo made my hair turn gold and the conditioner well it would not come out of the container. Then she started to look up numbers to enter into the computer so she could see what she thought I should be paying, while she was doing that I called Mike to come and get me, how strange he was right behind me, then she said "that will be $10.00 for having long hair" WOW that was a new charge never been charged that before, so I told her she "best take that charge right off", then it was another Charge of $15.00 for hair cut, I said "best take that off for Itold you NO Hair Cut and She Insisted at No Charge you wanted to cut the ends off that you damaged from leaving the bleach on too long" but she said NO, then $35.00 for one time Permanent Base Color "$35.00 I said O K", then $75.00 for the Full foils of HI -Lites, I said "NO WAY" she said "OH YES" that I asked for that,, My Word this BITCH was a Complete IDIOT for I never asked to have another head of full HI - LITES for I just had them I Just Wanted The Gold Color Out . she said "well you have to pay for them, I told her to call her manager of this Salon, she picked up the calculator and pretended to be calling the Manager, she then said "She's not home" I said "I Guess Not Can't Make too Many Phone Calls on a POCKET CALCULATOR" She then brought it down to $124.97. Now I have to say I have been going there since the pace has opened and my Base Permanent One Time Color and Full Head of HI - LITES always cost $110.00. So that was my Horrible Sunday at the Not So Great Salon. Then came back to the "Little House In The Woods" in Allot of Pain, and my Eyes and Head Burning and then having one of the Worse Migraine Headaches I have ever had. Today I am feeling really sick, think I will just go back to bed. But First I best get going for I have to put a dispute in to my Credit Card Company. No way am I paying for this NO WAY. As you can see above the COLOR is nothing that I have ever had or would ever have.
Oh Yes I did Call The Main Head Quarters of H C and sent them an E Mail, and they said that they would Have the District Manager call me either Today or by 5:00PM. or tomorrow, and if not to call back that they would turn it over to her boss. Now who want to PLACE A BET ON ANYTHING HAPPENING HERE WOTH H C HEADQUARTERS?
ONE LAST THING IF YOU ARE SMART YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM THIS HAIR CUTTERY AND ALL OTHERS, AND ESPECIALLY THIS STYLIST MICHELLE, she should GET OUT of the Hair Business Real Fast, like pack her products up and RUN RUN RUN, for you ruined my hair and how many others did you do this to? Oh and the CHARGE OF $10.00 FOR LONG HAIR, WELL GUESS WHAT MICHELLE THERE IS NO SUCH CHARGE, What a way to Rip
customers Off to get extra Money for your self, to me that is STEALING.

I must say that Brenda the District Manager of all the Hair Cuttey's did call me and Offered to have my hair get Conditioning Treatments at No Charge and Get the Color Straightened Out at no charge and said that she would be sending me a Check in the mail for the full amount $124.00. Also wanted to pay for my DR Visit and Meds, I said NO for I Have Insurance and I had to say no to the Conditioning Treatments do to my head having Chemical Burns all over it, and my eye being Infected and I am on Drops for the Eye now and Antibiotics too for the chemical Burns just Incase an Infection should Start this way my Heart is Protected. she said that I did not have to go back to the one I have been going to for years and She Honestly didn't want to Loose Such a Loyal Customer as Myself, I enjoyed going there for when Kim was there it seemed as if she knew what she was doing as some other stylists did also but no way did this Michelle. I will more than likely call Brenda and thank her when I receive the check and ask her for anther H C with a Stylist that is as Wonderful as Kim Murphy Was, Gosh I wish she was still in Voorhees , for it is so close to me and convient too. She was the Greatest Stylist Ever. Well I know once my Scalp and Eyes and oh yes one Ear that she apparently got dye into, Clears Up then I will ask her where I can go to get some conditioning treatments and get the color straightened out to something completely different.
I must say that this Woman Brenda is a very Caring and Polite woman, Thank You Brenda.

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