
Good Morning June

WOW June came in hotter than hot, 97 degrees with the weather people going crazy calling for severe Thunder Storms, Tornados, High Wind Gusts. Yes it was a day f extremely high temps, and I thank God that is all it was. I did here on the news that MA did get 2 Tornados, which caused two deaths and allot of damage. The last time they had a Tornado was three years ago. Moving up the coast to ME. Then tomorrow it should be cooler in the lower 80's. So what did I do today, Not much just cleaning, wash, greeted the Exterminator as he came to spray the grounds outside for ticks, fleas and all other creepy crawlers that I nor Shiloh really care for at all.

Sure do hope this is not a Sign of what the Summer is going to be like once it arrives.
Best get going for it is time take Shiloh out, Seems like she really wants to go !

So here we go

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