
What a Beautiful Weekend We Had

This weekend was so perfect, the sun was shinning brightly, cool wind, just so beautiful. Oh Saturday we went to get our blood work done, then Mike took me to breakfast came home took care of Shiloh. Then off to the Cemetery to visit my Mom for Mother's Day one day early. I miss my Mom so much and I have a difficult time going up there with both my Mother and father being buried there, but I handled it O K this time. Then we went to my nieces home, oh how great of house se has. We went there to get my Mother's glass table, beautiful and I was so glad when my sister called to ask me if I still wanted it and of course I said YES. So D. S> took me on a tour of J.S. house, I just fell in love with it, she even has
a wall done in this beautiful lilac, the entire house is so very nice. She is a very lucky young lady. Then we went home brought the table in took the bigger one out and put it in the Sun Room, Living Room now looks so beautiful and allot more room to it. Had dinner, then we decided to go to Massos's to get gellaties and when I got into the car I some how hit the left side of my face and mouth with the car door OUCH ! ! ! , it bleed and swelled up, but the water ice sort of stopped that. So now I am walking arround with the left side of my face all swollen and bruised around my lips. Oh yes went to the Kentucky Derby Party also, my horse "Pants on Fire" nope did not win, then home to watch NASCAR, believe it or not I slept through all of it. Mike did a little napping too, but he got to see the end of it. Then finally Mother's Day, I did a posting for my sister for her Birthday, and she really loved it and a posting for my Mother for Mother's day. Mike made me pancakes for breakfast they were rather good and of course shared them with Shiloh. Then in came a present for me from Mike and Shiloh, a brand new much needed camera, a Cannon, I was thrilled and so happy, now if I can figure this all out I will be back to doing some great photography once again. Then Mike and I went up to see his Mom and then we left there and Mike took me out for dinner for Mother's Day, oh how sweet that was. I of course had the salmon with the seafood soup did not eat much of the soup but Mike enjoyed it and I had broccoli with it and a baked potato did not eat the potato either and brought home half of the Salmon for Shiloh. I enjoyed my Mother's day so very much, to me it was so very special the Best One I have ever had HONESTLY.
Oh I will figure it out the camera, you can bet money on that. Oops forgot my son sent me a very Beautiful Heartfelt card, surprised me I love it and he called me to wish me a Happy Mother's Day too.
Well so far that is it for today and for the wonderful weekend we had, Have to say that this weekend is one that I shall never forget for everything was so perfect, have not had one of those in Ages.
oops one more thing for today, my Aunt and Uncle from FL are up here, so they stopped by the "Little House In The Woods" Oh Shiloh was so happy to see them, she went crazy, jumped all over them with allot of love for she has not seen them for over a year. When Mike got home I took all out to dinner, it was nice they enjoyed their meals, I did not at all, I had a tuna melt on pita bread the worse thing I ever tasted, so I ate Mike's tomatoes, some of my fries and a cup of vegetable soup and coffee. Guess I should have ordered off the mini menu board as my Uncle did for he seemed to enjoy his meal allot. I know that I will never go back there again, OH do I ever feel sick from I believe the TUNA. It was so pleasant and nice to see my Aunt and Uncle from FL, really love them allot. So we left the restaurant said our See You Laters, for you know I do not like the words GOOD BYE, Nope that is to Final to me . then came home watched House and wrote out more Sympathy cards for the Fallen Heroes and the letters to the Soldiers from LWT. So I guess I can now get ready for bed I sure do need some rest.
Good Night To ALL
Before I forget I'd like you to meet
My Aunt & Uncle from FL !

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