
My Tears Of Sorrow are Flowing Since MR Floyd Was Killed In Public In Minneapolis

I was watch the news on May 25th 2020, and they showed what they Warned those watching that what everyone was about to see is Quite Graphic.  Yes it was I've never in my life watched someone kill another man with his knee on that other persons Neck, cutting off his air supply.  Mr Floyd cried "I Can't Breath, I Can't Breathe", Called for His Mother to Help him, She sadly had passed away  about 3 years ago, but, he continued  to His Last Breath crying I Can't Breathe"  This man that was doing it was a Minneapolis Police Officer, with 4 other Officers, by his side watching as he was killing George Floyd, not even lifting an eyebrow over what they were seeing, not even trying to make him stop, Not even calling for Help.
A VeryBrave young lady about 17 years old video taped the entire incident, even when the Police Officers told her to go away and threatened her with Pepper Spray she stood her ground and wouldn't leave, and watched Mr. Floyd be Killed by a Police Officer.  She knew if she didn't film this incident,
Mr. George Floyd would have had no voice in his Murder.  She strongly should her ground.  I'm proud of this young lady, for she knew what it was like, with what the Police was doing to this Afro American Black Male 46 years old.  Still had his life in front of him.
For the past Days finally ThePolice officers where all fired.  Then finally the Officer that Killed
Mr. Floyd, was charged with 3rd degree ,under. The other Officers that did nothing just went along with it, nothing nothing was done.
So they Rioted and Luted in Minnesota, the Twin Cities, in Los Angels , California, in Miami
Florida, Colorado, Louisville Kentucky, and to day they start with a peaceful prayer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Art Museum steps, of 3,000 people, that were praying for George Floyd that The officer Kept his knee on his neck for 8 minutes46 seconds, with the last seconds of him already have passed on.
I watched Philadelphia get luted, burnt, 14 Police Officers injured, a city I was raised in, lived in, and worked in, get destroyed.
This believe me isn't the answer to the Murder of George Floyd, I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted this, he was kind man that many spoke very highly of.  It wasn't only Philadelphia but all the other states I've named oh and also Washington D.C. and Washington.
As i watched this cities in these different states being destroyed while we are also going through an awful Pandemic with COVID 19 CORONA Virus, not many caring about that, perhaps the reporters did, for they kept their face masks on to protect them from this awful Virus.
Yes my tears will continue to flow, for I've never seen all of this Anger and Hatred before, nor can I understand any of this.  I know that all that what these Protesters doing is Not going to bring them the justice they are looking for.
I Feel the Many should be saying Prayers for George Floyd.  Praying for the Floyd family. Send This family that is going through so much Pain from their Loss, your Condolences and Prayers, not Rioting, Burning ,and Tearing up all these businesses and homes. It should be done in A Quiet Peaceful Protest, full of Prayers and Love for George Floyd and the many others killed wrongly by the Police!
God Bless You Mr George Floyd May Your Soul Please Rest In Eternal Peace.  My Heart felt Condolences to the Family and Friends  of George Floyd.  May the Lord comfort all of you in the days ahead filled with sorrow, and may you all keep the Loving Memories of George Floyd Deep in your Hearts.  For one Day they will turn into Treasures.  Blessings
No I'm do not know Mr. George Floyd, but I do have feelings, and I know that what that Police Officer did to him Was so Wrong. As I'm Writing This I'm still Crying, For My Heart Goes Out To
Mr George Floyd ( A Friend Of His Called Him "The Gentle Giant as known in H S Football!
Bless You Mr. George Floyd

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