
WoW Am I Ever In A Good Mood

Today after spending all week cleaning the house really good, woke up made myself a big pot of coffee to share with my Buddy Shiloh.  This morning it was Vanilla Creme Coffee from BJ's Oh so good.
Fed Shiloh her breakfast as the we were waiting for the coffee.  I started thinking what can I do today to make someone happy?  A brain storm hit me, Why Not Bake Mike that Coconut Sugar-free Birthday Cake he wanted so badly for his Birthday Last month.  Hmmm Sound likes a great idea.  Shiloh and I went out to the sunroom sat out there drinking our coffee in hopes that some deer might go running by, but, no there were not any around.  Then it started to thunder, it was so strange no  lightening, no rain all bright and sunny, just really loud thunder.  Not one of Shiloh's favorite things so she went running into the house and hid in the living room.  I don't care for it either.  Went in the kitchen got out the eggs, coconut water, splenda, flour, coconut, margarine, and then went on the hunt to find my baking pans for the cake this was not an easy task at all I know I had 2 of them but could only find the one, I searched high and low nope just 1 and I need 2, oh well guess the missing one grew legs and let home. so I thought why not use the Bundt pan so I did.  Mixed up all of my ingredients, oh I have to tell  you instead of using water in my recipe or really any recipe that calls for water I chose to use Coconut Wate,r so full of flavor and good for you too.  I use it allot to make blueberry, pineapple, coconut  slushies delicious.
O K got that all mixed up sprayed the pan with the baking spray, poured in the batter. into the 325 degree oven for 53 minutes.  So while that was baking cleaned up my kitchen then sat in the family room and had another really tall cup of coffee.  Thunder finally stopped Shiloh came out, think she came out because she smelled the cake baking.

Well time up have to go check on the cake put the toothpick in , yeap it is done, now onto the rack to cool so I can ice it.  Have to make sure I keep it out of Shiloh's site, some where safe.  No problem put it on top of the crock pot.
Took Shiloh out so she could take care of her business.  Then we came in the cake seemed cool enough so I made the icing got the coconut and frosted the cake put the icing on first then the coconut.  Have to say it came out rather nice.

Coconut Water I use for so many things and drink it too

Cake All Done Out Of Oven 
Let It Cool Some Till I Take It Out Of The Pan.

Just about ready to take it out of the pan to cool enough to frost

Here is the cake cooling, oh it smells so good and looks really good too

Here is a better picture of the cake, came out looking really good.
First time making a sugar-free cake.

Shiloh sulking for she wants the cake now

All Done, It Really Looks So Nice If I Must Say So Myself
Can't wait Till Mike Gets home To See It
and Taste It, What a Nice Surprise For Him This Will Be.
While putting the coconut on I put the cake plate with the cake on top of a piece of foil so as not to make a mess on the counter or floor.  When done wrap the foil up throw the mess out and you have nothing to really cleans up. 

Mike was so happy when I showed it too him as he said " I knew one day you might make it and I thank you so very much for making it today.  Can;t wait to eat it"

Hope you all enjoyed baking a sugar free coconut cake with me.
Oh It was delicious.  Mike loved it going back for seconds of course.
  Have plenty left if you would care for a slice.
Thank You for baking with me!

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