
Results Of Heart Repair

I must say I am sorry I have not gotten back to you all sooner, but I did end up staying in the hospital longer then expected. I was going to do this posting last night but for the first time since 06/23/1989 in Philadelphia, the Phillies played from 7:00 p.m. till 2:06a.m. an 18 inning, 7 hour 6 minute game.  Simply amazing.  Oh the played against the Diamond Backs, with the final score after all that time you think the turn out would have been different but the score was Diamond Backs 12 Fighting Phillies 7.  Mike loves the Phillies, so when he went down to the family room to finish watching it and i stayed up here well when the final play turned out to be in favor of the Diamond Backs, it was Happy Dance for me, Oh I clapped my hands and yelled horay for the Diamond Backs.  Needless to say you know that I do not care for the Phillies at all.  Used to many years ago. 

Now on to the Repair of my heart?
Once Again A Failure

I am going to also tell in some ways how I ended up where I am today with my HEART!

As I try to sit here in allot of pain from what was supposed to be a simple surgery that turned into a Disasterous 4 hour surgery.
to the Operating room for they were going to do a dye CT on me, WOW was the attendant ever surprised when I explained to him that I was allergic to IODINE, he then spoke to ????????????????DR. who said to give me a medication IV cocktail for they had to see if the artery was opened so that they could put the (supposed) New Pacemaker in there.  If Not he said to Mike and I earlier that he would just adjust the old one on the right side to make it more comfortable,?  excuse me Doc, I believe this pacemaker was causing inflamation and high fevers, and infections, oh that is right you forgot about why you were doing this Right Dr George Mark from the Heart House in Haddon Heights, NJ?
I at one time did Sincerely believe in this DR quite Strongly and Trusted him for I trusted him with my life every time he operated on me that pertained to my heart.  the surgery prior to this one was a flop and he admitted that he should have never tried it!  My Question to him, then why did you do it?  Needless to say I never got an answer.
So finally the CT Shows that the artery is open all will be well for the 3rd pacemaker. They had to cut my groin to open an artery there to put in a temp pacemaker for I have been in Full Heart Block since another Butcher DR operated on me in 05/2009, doing open heart surgery to replace a supposed calcified Aortic Valve that was supposedly killing me and I was given 3 months to live. During that surgery he dropped a stitch and shorted out my Electrical System with 4 days later in walks this
DR George Mark to put in the #1 Pacemaker.  Saw him many times in the past 4 years he ran many tests for ever since the Aortic Valve surgery I can not breath as I used to and I am sure all of you are able to, I can't even get out of this chair with out getting so short of breath I'm ready to pass out, so then he said let's do a Heart Cath for perhaps the Aortic Valve is too small.  DR Zenn did it, and yes he said in his report that there is a possibility that the the valve is too small and causing my breathing problems.  still nothing to be done the Thoracic Surgeon that created this mess had no time for it, he said when "it get MORE CALCIFIED THEN CALL ME"  MORE CALCIFIED?  So DR George Mark kept telling Mike and I that the Aortic Valve was the size of a dime and should be the size of a quarter. Then he came up with another Brilliant scheme let's put in a 3 lead Pacemaker that should help, amd I Said to myself "YEAH THAT's THE TICKET"  So here we go again under the knife and knocked out with more drugs.  In that Pacemaker goes I come out of surgery with a high fever and he says "she always comes out with a fever it's O K" then taken to my room.  Two days later home. I'm in such pain and my chest is getting more bruised, so to my Primary DRwho tells me that apparently I was accidentally knicked during surgery and was bleeding internally and immediately tried to call DR George Mark, no luck, but he did have a DR call him back, he explained everything to him and they both agreed for me to come off of the aspirin and blood thinner for 4 days. I went home a couple hours later I have a very  High fever back in the hospital I went for a few days.  Finally home to "The Little House In The Woods" in allot of pain.  Breathing at this point has gotten allot worse.  Wonder DR George Mark can't figure it out what he should do next the lightbulb in his head goes off I know lets look behind the heart, so off to another Hospital we go and we have a DR that I had no idea who it was nor did I want any part of him but had no choice, really think I should have just gotten off that stretcher and went home, so again I get the meds  and I am knocked out and he goes and looks behind the heart  now this DR to me seemed to still be a bit wet behind the ears!  Results as he said all is normal.  But I wake up from being knocked out in a panick mode for I was scared to death I could not get any air at all, 2 hours later home I went.
This went on the new 3 lead pacemaker was not helping me breath only giving me  allot of pain, high temps, inflamation, allot of pain.  Finally we went to see DR. George Mark and I just came out with it "I can't take it any more it is too much on me take the pacemaker out" So he agreed and then also gave us a DR name of a Thoracic Surgeon to see at PENN Hospital about the Aortic Valve, Mike and I thought that he was sending us there for this Nationally known DR to replace the Aortic Valve, came out after this last surgery that it was that he thought we would want another opinion.? Duuuh!
Finally the operation is done the right 3 lead pacemaker is out, so I thought and the new 2 lead pacemaker is in on the left.  They had some issues waking me up but I finally did, it took longer than it should have for he ran into some complications getting out the pacemaker.
Have to be honest I felt like I was hit with 5 Mack Trucks one right after another.  I stayed for 2 nights came home with a fever and a kidney infection, Mike called DR George Mark, told  woman in office to please call in script for keflex and they did.  I finally got to talk to the DR on Thursday mind you he had a very bad connection told him that my fever was high and that it felt like the pacemaker on the right side was still there , I ask you all to please sit down for this answer from the DR that I got, for it absolutely floored me he said "I didn't want to hurt you so I left some of the cable in there"  Hey excuse me DRMark wasn't I knocked out, I believe you could have taken it out.  Told him it was causing me so much pain he said that he would probably have to take it out at some time.  PROBABLY?  What MED School did he go to?  so that is how the Heart Repair went. Not good at all.  This DR has me in so much pain and still high fevers and told me that I should be seeing my Primary DR not him.  WOW am I ever confused was DR George Mark trying to tell me that my Primary DR did the surgery?  I asked him about going to see my Primary DR after the surgery and the DR that supposedly did the surgery said no that isn't necesssry.
What A Mess He Made Out Of What Should Have Been A Very Simple Surgery As He Told Us.  Mike and I are beginning to wonder who really did the surgery or was I just a lab rat to be tested on by the students there.
Well I guess all I can say is that I am very very Happy to Be Home Safely  in "The Little House In The Woods" with Mike and Shiloh!
I will always wonder though why this DR that I believed in did all this damage to me is he or was he trying to kill me?  Guess I will never know!!!!!!!!!!
It honestly does hurt me to have a DR that I trusted so much turn his back on me and physically hurt me so severely.  I can only say "Why Dr. George E. Mark Why did you do this to me"?
I have to say that perhaps you have something against me?  What I will never know!
I am Praying to GOD that DR George E. Mark Will Take This Cable out and I will not be in all of this pain and that there will be a Thoracic Surgeon out there that will clean up all these mistakes that were made, and will give me back my higher quality o fLIFE so that I can go back to living a True and Full Life.  Not just sitting around waiting for The Angel of DEATH to Show Up!

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