
Can't Believe What I did

Okay I put a post on here to tell all to turn your clocks back, you know Fall Back Spring Ahead.
I must have wanted to see if we could get more spring for .... yes you guessed it I turned the clocks ahead an hour.  Not too smart but all is well now I am just sort of mixed up and getting everything done sooner than it should be because of my big Boo Boo . No big deal I guess for we will just eat Dinner about 2 hours earlier than we usually do.
But the homemade sauce is already done so need I say what time I started that, for we are having Angel Hair Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread, a nice healthy dinner for two.
At least I know why I am so tiered.  We all make mistakes or even big blunders such as I did but, I'll live with it and move on.
Well best get going perhaps I will take a short nap before dinner.  Or could go to Dunk N Donuts and get the VERY BEST PUMPKIN WHITE CHOCOLATE LATTE
Hmm Yes That Is Sounding Rather Delicious To Me
AND AWAY I GO ! ! ! ! !    

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