
SANDY Came Glad SANDY Left

Yes Hurricane SANDY came causing so much devastation.  It was heartbreaking to allot of us in NJ.
Thankfully The "Little House In The Woods"  survived Sandy, it was scary at times, especially when we thought a freight train came and took our roof off with it.  The trees swaying back and fourth with the extremely strong winds. The heavy rains.  Power going out then coming on then off, then Comcast Cable out, TV and Internet.  It was a loud night of roaring winds, branches, and who knows what else was hitting out house.  What did we do?  Well could not watch TV, so we have some VCR movies that we never opened, "When Harry Met Sally, and "Sweet Home Alabama" They were pretty good.  Glad we opened them and finally watched them.  At least we finally got something to laugh at.  Then the lights started to flicker again and we kept hearing so much raging winds and sounded like allot of things were being thrown outside last night.  And yes there was.  As we could see with a flashlight  in the dark.  So we finally turned on the radio to listen to what was going on.  Same as what we were watching when we had TV.  
Shiloh she was not liking this at all between the rain and the winds she just would go out do her business and run back in the house.
We were so glad when we woke up today and saw that not much damage appeared  on our property, but next door yes she had another one of those large trees come crashing down.  
Don't get me wrong we have allot of large branches, trees way in the back no big deal there, the bridge it still there how thankful we were for that.  We are going to have to take the entire weekend to clean up allot  and yes I mean allot, might go out there tomorrow to take some pictures. Mike forbid me to take pictures today, but when he was not looking well the camera was a snapping away taking pictures. I will make sure to down load them when I get around to it for there is so much to be done outside first. 
Then we took a ride our to TARGET to pick up some odds and ends sure we should have done this prior to the Storm but I thought it would be best to wait till after the storm except for Instant Coffee, for I have to have my coffee, Mike too and neither of us enjoy Instant Coffee.
Mike had Monday and today off but he is back to work Wednesday.
Oh before I go any further I must Sincerely Thank Our Governor of NJ Chris Christey, he was on  TV talking to us letting all know what is going on, the best thing that he said was when he actually talked to the Children explaining to them that all would be alright and to listen to your Parents and Care Takers. Have to say that is a Man, Governor with a Heart of Gold to do something like that for the Children.
He showed how much he cared about the RESIDENTS of NJ as well as the STATE.
This Is Sandy Also Known As Frankenstorm Sandy

The Shore Love Ladies LBI

Ocean Rushing In At Shore

One Of The Pieces Of 50 Foot Part Of Boardwalk In AC 
LBI Jetties
Look At the Waves at Shore Point
Sea Side Hieghts
Sea Side Heights Amusement Pier  Completely In Ocean
Cape May, ST Sign Buried Uneder 7 FT Of Sand
Well Think I,  Mike, and Shiloh will get a good nights sleep tonight.  We All Sure Do Need IT Badly!  Mike Goes back to Work Wednesday and Me I will Be Cleaning up the inside of the "Little House In The Woods" and making Home Made Chicken Noodle Soup and Homemade Bread to go with it.  WOW  a Decent Meal.
For Sandy Sure Did Leave Us Some Very Cool Weather, still a little wind now and then, some rain but not much to really talk about
Have to say this was a Historic Event that Effected Millions of People that Shall Never Ever Be FORGOTTEN

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