
Vacation Is Now Over

Have to say it was a much needed vacation for Mike and I.
Oh you want to know where did we go ? Well we actually went on day trips all over and had so much fun. You see with Shiloh being a Diabetic we knew that it would be best to be here for her for her insulin shots and snacks rather than put her in Country Kennel. Yes they love her so much and would have taken very wonderful care of her but, Shiloh is sort of like our daughter and I would not feel right leaving her there and not being the one to give her, her insulin shots and just being there for her. As you know she did not like it at all when I was in the hospital for the heart surgeries at all and I just could not stay away from her for 9 days.
So where did we go , well we started in AC going to the Air Show Thunder Over The Boardwalk. oh it was great, not as wonderful as it was a few years ago but, still all in all it was great and we enjoyed it allot. Mike and I both got some serious sunburns but, we survived that. Really wanted to get a Air Show Book but never did find anyone selling them saw people with them asked those people was told they were selling them on the boardwalk, well they either ran out even though we were there well before it started. Nope no one was the selling them. Oh well Mike took some pictures and they came out pretty good considering the battery was dying on my camera and Mike not really knowing how to use it properly, but, have to say he gave it his all.
Why of course I will be posting the pictures of all the places we went and I mean almost all.
For we went to an Art's and Craft show in NJ, Mike got his hair cut, oh yes I have pictures of that too, went to DE to hit allot of retail outlets. Oh how I made sure we went into mostly all of them, even if we were not that interested in what they were selling. Had lunch in DE at my favorite place Taco Bell and the food there was so much better than up here, made us very happy, for Mike got the Big Meal Box, in it was 6 different types of tacos, his favorite and all hard shell not one soft shell at all in there, he ate it all and enjoyed everyone of them, I had a Chicken Quasadia and a soft Shell Taco. The people that worked there actually came to your table to make sure every thing was alright and that we wee enjoying our food. Never had that in any Taco Bell We have ever been in and believe me we have been in allot of them. They even had a better menu to chose from with allot more in and have to say it really had the best food that I have ever had at Taco Bell any where else.
So then we left there and went to this great liquor store, we where in it last year when the earthquake came and the bottles started shaking. do not think we will ever forget that. So this time all was safe and we bought Wood Stock and The Greatful Dead wine. We will never open those bottles either for they are collectors, last year Mike bought the Pink Floyd wine. Just to collect. He did buy some kind of yellow shark tail an Australian wine. When we got back to the "Little House In The Woods" Mike tried it and liked it allot, ME? No I am not a big wine drinker, I do participate in Wine Tasting but not just sitting back watching TV relaxing and drinking wine.
Well I am going to go take a a little break and I will be back later to tell you the rest of our VACATION.

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