
Today Shiloh Learns A Lesson after Getting Into Trouble

The Trouble Was The Possum

What Happened?

Early this morning Mike let Shiloh out to take care of her business, and he sat down in the
Sunroom waiting for her, when all of the sudden Shiloh started to run around outside like crazy, Mike turned on the light out there only to see that Miss Shiloh was chasing a possum, so at the early hour of the morning yes I do mean early for it was 2:a.m., for Mike started to yell rather loud at her for he did not want her to get bit by the possum, finally Shiloh got right up to the possum and started to sniff it and it hissed at her and took off and shiloh took off after it, then finally Shiloh listened to Mike and in the house she came. Ut Oh Shiloh is in the Doggy House, that means no doggy bones this morning for her. Oh is Shiloh ever is trouble.

Shiloh and I Having Our Talk About What She Did Wrong, What Could Have Happened To Her And About Her Punishment For Today Shall Be
So I calmly as I could said to her "My lesson for you to learn today is this, Miss Shiloh, do not and I mean do not go after what ever is outside in the dark that moves for you never know what it can be and this time you were rather lucky your Dad was out there for you could have gotten bit and that would not have been a very pleasant thing at all. Your punishment today so far has been that you can not have you two medium doggy bones and the last punishment will be that she will only get only four carrots this evening that is it little girl, now go lay down with your babies and think real hard about what you did wrong this morning.
Yes Miss Shiloh and I had a very long talk about this and I hope that she understood it all!

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