
How Do I Feel Since Surgery

I have to say that after surgery on the 16th of April and it has been what two weeks now, well I feel like crap, felt better prior to the surgery than now.  I do not feel things went as well as they were supposed to for I still can not breath properly.  I have been running rather high fevers been in the hospital for them three times now.  Had a very high fever this past Sunday 104.2 and Mike went and bought some tylenol to help bring it down and he looked and looked while he was at the store to try and find me some Italian Water Ice cups, no luck there though.  But when he came home he came running up the stairs like a little boy all happy and smiling, and yelling "I found the Blue Bunny gold mine" and he sure did.  For he bought Vanilla Ice cream, Blue Bunny Pops, Blue Bunny Foot Tracks Ice cream, but could not find the italian ice cups.  I did not mind for the Blue Bunny Vanilla ice cream went down so smoothly and felt so good and did help to bring the fever down as did the tylenol.
I have to say I have one hell of a caring Husband that I so dearly love, not too many others do I believe would have done that for me.
I did take a temped bath after wards to help with bringing the fever sown and more or less just ate plain dry burnt toast, it did help calm my stomach down.  So that was Sunday the 29th of April.
Then on the 30th of April it was time to go see the Cardiac Surgeon, I had to have an EKG, I know they never hurt but I was in so much pain that yes it was quite painful.  Still not being able to wear anything more than this great big sweat shirt my sister bought me a few years back that I love so much, and at the rate that I war it I honestly hope I will be able to find another one exactly like it for I truly love it so much.   Then in came the DR and he looked at the incisions and explained to Mike and I that the stitches are the type that in time will desolve on their own and the other side well that incision is put together with surgical crazy glue.  Hmm that is great no added pain.  He explained to us through drawing a picture that when he went in there that there was allot of extra cable and he thought that removing it would help me with my breathing, it did not, oh he did take out the old pace maker and put a new one in on the other side,.  The reason that it looks just like an avacadoe is because it is still swollen at that site and has blood all around it and possibly a clot, so he told me it would be Okay to go back on the blood thinners and aspirin.  Then he brought up that he would like me to see his Pulmonary DR I thought something is wrong here, why did you have me go through this surgery if you were going to send me to a lung DR?  I have been to mine and he ran all tests and found nothing.  So this is the point that Mike and I got upset and the surgeon understood.  So he told us to come back at the end of May so he can test the pacemaker to see how it is doing and also check me over again.
So I guess we can all say that I put my life under the knife for nothing, no relief at all just more pain and still being quite short of breath.
Mike and I left there quite disappointed but, we see what he has to say when we go back in the end of May.
Well we were heading back to "Little House In The Woods"  but I decided to take my husband to dinner, something I thought we both needed together which was a decent meal.  Mike had the crab cakes came with soup and 3 veggies, they were big and looked rather good to me he said they were great Oh that is right what did I have, finally I had a piece of salmon it too came with soup and 2 veggies, I chose baked potato and coleslaw and we both had the bow tie chicken soup.  Oh my dinner was so delicious and I was satisfied just with the salmon and a taste of the potato and a little of the soup.  Then the waitress asked what we would like for dessert we said we did not want anything so I went and paid the check and finally home to the "Little House In The Woods"
Shiloh was so happy to see us and Mike took her out for a walk.  I was rather glad to be home.  Sat down and watched The Voice for I have been enjoying this show allot last year too, I find they really find allot of talented people out there that can honestly sing rather well.
Then I went upstairs to vote, however that never happened for one reason on another I felt the temp come on and spike high and then I ran to the other room to loose my dinner, no warning at all.
Strange how such a lovely evening with my husband ended so badly.  Took a both and went to bed with a fever of course.  Oh how I hope these fevers stop soon.  The Surgeon said that it seems as if every time I have heart surgery I have fevers, Excuse me Doc but doesn't fevers mean infection somewhere, I know you have me on antibiotics, but this just not seem normal to me.
Well that is all that I can honestly tell you, I know it isn't much and to us it is very disappointing and we have no idea nor does the DR "What Is Next"
Have to say this much I gave it a try even though deep inside of me I thought that it was a wrong try.  Guess I should have been listening to what my gut was telling me for that was the correct answer.   Have to say I will still go on trying to get stronger and stronger and hopefully close to who I used to be.  Allot of prayers for this to happen I know. I believe I am a Fighter and I ill continue to fight!

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