
One Last Day To Have Fun Before Surgery

Last night was great for we went out to dinner, I had a turkey burger very well done and it was quite tasty. Then Mike and I split a piece of Strawberry Short Cake, never saw a piece so big. It had the huge strawberries on it and have to say "DELICIOUS", we like going to that restaurant allot for they have such fresh food, and a fantastic selection to choose from, with the best service there ever could be. Then finally back to the "Little House In The Wood" to watch the night race of NASCAR in Texas, yeap sure was one hell of d Great Race. Mark Martin stayed right up there starting in fourth position and remaining up front, by running low to finally come in Third place. Thank you Mark for the big smile you put on my face and relieved allot of stress I am going through presently.
Then I finished writing letters and cards to Our fallen Soldiers Families, and tried to get some sleep. Of course that did not happen. Can not wait to get into that hospital for them to knock me out so I will get some sleep as they are going to try and make my heart better with a new procedure.
I can only pray that this will work and that all goes very well and I can perhaps finally have my life back as I once knew it and be HAPPY again.

Here Is The Park
So Beautiful Here and Serene
Well I best get going for we are going to go to the park and look for a tree that many years ago we put our initials in saying with love, did it with a pen knife. Oh about 26 years ago we did this, and I just want to see it again. Besides it is a lovely day and I would love to enjoy it before I go into the hospital tomorrow. Also we will be stopping at Massos to get gellaties umm umm umm sounds great to me.
Guess then we will head back to the Little House In The Woods, so I can pack a few things to take with me and spend allot of quality time with my best friend Shiloh. She is not going to like me going away at all.
Well see you all when I am able to post to my Blog again after the surgery.
See Yah ! ! ! ! !

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