
Quiet Weekend & Shiloh Doing Better

Shiloh Feeling Better
The Medicine and Insulin Are Working

Not too much went on this weekend. I did the break down on the taxes and then finished them up after making a quick stop at Target Pharmacy for the last of the info needed.
Mike had a meeting in DE but he came home at a decent hour. We went to Home Depot, next stop Dollar store for I needed some cards and large paper clips. Finally a last stop before going back to the "Little House In The Woods" ACME, just for some odds and ends really didn't need much at all. Then home for a little while, to take shiloh out and give her the antibiotic. She seems to be doing some what better. No reaction at all to the insulin shots, she does not mind taking them twice a day at all, for she even likes the diabetic food. After Mike took her for a walk we then left and went out to dinner. Going out to dinner was such a wonderful treat we needed with all that we have been though with Shiloh. Had a great dinner with fantastic food and very good service. Left there took a ride by our favorite Ice Cream Ice Water place Masso's, to see if they were open yet. For I felt it to be Gellattie Time, but they were closed so home we went. Relaxed watched my one of my favorite all time movies The Bridges Of Madison County. Mike tried to stay awake and watch it, he didn't. But, he did wake up to see the ending then we watched the news and time for me to visit Bubble Land and totally relax , Mike went on his computer to do some things with his music. Then came Dream Time and what a Good Night it was with Pleasant Dreams.
On Sunday labeling with Taxes, wrote out cards and letters to soldiers for LWT, watched NASCAR, rained out but just in time to get a winner first, No not Mark Martin but he did good came in 11th and Tony Stewart won. Then we ordered a white garlic pizza for dinner, now you know that we enjoyed that allot for I always brag about the World's Greatest Pizza from Puella's Pizza.
The three of us just rested allot today for after all we went through with Shiloh being sick and going back and forth to the Vet and Pharmacy I honestly think we were all worn out, yes Shiloh is the third when I am saying three. Well Sunday night it was to bed early for on Monday the 26th had to get up early to be at the hospital for pre admission testing for the heart surgery on April 16th or 23rd. I am hoping for the 16th I like even numbers.
So that was our weekend.
Most important, Yes, Shiloh does seem to be doing better, still just laying around allot but it is going to take time for the infection to clear and perhaps she will be back to old self again soon. She goes this Saturday to have her sugar levels checked at her Vet and also for her to check out how Shiloh is doing with everything else. So we shall see.
O K all up to date now. So glad that it finally got cold again here. For last night it was really cold n the low 20's right now it is 44 degrees, very sunny and thankfully the wind is extremely light not like yesterday for it seemed to go right through you.

Have To Go
Time to go and write out more cards and letters to soldiers!


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