
Another Busy Yet Some What Sad Sunday

My Cousin Lou and My Aunt Rita
And Mary My Aunt's Caregiver
at her 85th B-Day Party 2011

My Aunt Rita and Me
I believe this was from 2007
Sure Am Going To Miss Her
But as she said we can always talk on the phone.

We were looking forward to seeing Nascar Daytona 500, Ut OH Rained Out have to see it tomorrow. Sorry Mike.
Went to see what the best way for me to go to our new Primary DR on Wednesday. So happy that I found this great DR. and that he would take me on as a patient. I used to go to him for years and when we had to change insurance companies, well along with that came many problems, besides trying to understand the way this Medical Insurance CO. does things, it came down to trying very hard to get a Primary DR., oh yes this was so difficult, but when we called him we were told that he was not taking new patients but that they would ask if he would make an exception and take us. Got a phone call the other day and we are back with a DR that to me is one of the greatest, at least he was 12 years ago. Oh how I hope he is the same just a bit older.

Then we went on to find this New Cookie Store that was on a TV show called the 10 Show that comes on at 11:30a.m., we found it. WOW they had so many cookies to choose from could not believe it. They had peanut-butter and jelly, Strawberry shortcake, Cinnamon mint chocolate, snooker Doodles looked like the greatest there could be, Butterscotch Chip , yumm took 2 of those, Hammanton Blueberry Topping oh yes 2 of them, White Chocolate-Cranberry delicious took 2 of them Old Fashion Oatmeal Mike loved that one, so 2 of them for him put a smile on his face. The grand total of these delicious cookies was $7.89, and worth every cent that I paid for them. They had so many others but I would be here a long time keying so I will just tell you more about them the next time I might stop back for a visit.
Then off to Office Depot, for I needed ink cartridges for the printer to continue to write letters to our troops that I get every other week. I had a Rewards Coupon for the empty ink cartridges I turn in. My new ones only cost me for one in black the other in tri color $31.34, not bad.

A quick stop at the Bank to get our Pass Ports for I had a feeling it was time to renew them, and oh was I ever right, for they expired in November 2011. Will have to take care of that next Saturday.
To CVS to pick up a script then off to meet my Aunt Rita and Cousin Lou, for they are leaving NJ this Tuesday and moving to FL. Yes this made me very sad as it did to my Aunt also, We met at the Cemetery where her Husband my Uncle, her Younger Son and her Daughter were all laid to rest. I know not too many people meet in the Cemetery, but my Aunt wanted to go there to visit their graves for the last time prior to her leaving for FL for good. My Aunt cried and Mike and I felt so bad for her, for she loved he family so very much. It was so strange to see the Youngest son, my cousin, that died 12-17-08, the daughter passed 01-18-06, her Husband my Uncle passed 54 years ago also in the winter time December I believe, all from heart problems. Oh how much I miss them all. I had to keep pacing back and forth between the 3 graves for I did break down it hurt me so badly to see all of them there together, for they were all such great people that treated me very well and were so full of fun, laughter, and life. Taken too soon from all of us that loved them so very much.
My cousin Lou my Aunt Rita's older son and Mike took my aunt back to the car and I followed after looking back one last time to say "I'l see you in Heaven save me a great seat" Walked over to the car hugged Lou and kissed him bye see you later, and he said "look you come down to FL and you stay with us", I said "Thank You I'll try" then hugged my Aunt Rita cried but held back the painful hurt of the day I spent there with her knowing that I might not ever see her again.
We all said our "Take Care see you Love You" and Mike and I got in our car, we alL left.

I did cry all the way home, for it is was so difficult for me to see my Cousins and Uncle in the cold grounds of the cemetery,bringing back so many wonderful memories. Then having to say Bye to my Aunt. It was so much more than I could honestly take. I knew I would be upset over my Aunt moving to FL but the visit to the cemetery and then saying Bye "PHEW" that was allot on me and my heart.

Mike said to me on the way home "look why don't we go to FL for Christmas instead of buying presents for each other" I said "I would like that very much thank you, you are so thoughtful"
Mike made one last stop McDonald's to get me my favorite Filet O Fish that I always get during Lent, he had a half of one, I had a half of his too and a half of mine, could not forget Shiloh for she loves Filet O Fish sandwiches as much as I do. After dinner I was still very upset and fell asleep on the love seat, missing the Oscar's. Not a very big deal l can always see on the News tomorrow the many winners.
Well that was our Sunday, I can not say all of it was sad for the trip to Office depot, Cookie Store, and getting a Filet O Fish where some good parts and spending time with Mike made it a very pleasant day for me even though there was so much sadness for us all.
Think I'll get going now perhaps to bed is where I should really be to get plenty of rest, for the Heart surgery I will be going through in 3 to 4 weeks. Just waiting for my Cardiologist to get it all straightened out and that means to get my new Insurance Company to approve it, so we shall see. Sorry I forgot to tell you the results from going to the Cardiologist on the 21st. There is no guarantee but I do have to try something o help me be me again.

So on that last Note!

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