
Cardiologist Again Yesterday, Oh My

Well it was time to go back to The Heart House to see my favorite Cardiologist. He decided to perhaps give it a some what definite try to operate on my heart again.
We went through this I believe back in the late spring or early summer. He was all for it then he changed his mind that he was not comfortable with doing the procedure, for I was too high risk and he was not sure if this was the answer to making me better or not.

So what is the difference now ? Believe me I asked the same question for I am still at high risk for the surgery especially since I have only gotten allot worse then I was back then, I still have bleeding issues and it is very difficult to put me out. There is No Guarantee that this will work either.I am completely clueless as to why all of the sudden he wants to take a chance like this that he was so uncomfortable with previously. I honestly believe he is still uncomfortable with it but is so frustrated as I am that I never recovered from the surgeries and I only got progressively worse.
So off to get the blood work and then the ultra sound of the veins and arteries to see if he can even go in there for it has been 2 an a half years well 3 years in May, do to scar tissue growth and how much if there is too much then no surgery can be done.

What am I going to do from here with this news? To tell you the truth I have not got a clue for he was very uncomfortable with doing it previously so why try to do it now, especially with him being a Cardiologist and not very sure if it will help me or not and with being so high risk, sounds dangerous to me .
Hmmm perhaps I should go out of the country , never know I might find a DR. that knows how to make me be me like I was before they did the Open Heart Surgery and made 3 Major Mistakes to bring me to where I am now.

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