
Happiness Is A New Rebel

On Wednesday Mike returned the Nikon that went deader than dead. To day we went out to do some gift exchanging for Mike, then on to try and find me a nice warm purple down Ski Parka, no luck there guess everyone asked Santa for a new ski Parka, but there is always another day.

We started to make our New Years Eve Plans think we are going to have a very wonderful Evening.
I am so happy that Mike saw this camera when he took the other one back and took me out to see it Thursday. Can not wait to start to use it. Well I best get going for it is late and I need some rest for Thursday was such a long and tiring day for me. For we started very early and had so much to do including taking my car in for the 4th time for the brakes and was told it was because I do not drive it enough. What BS that is. Now early this morning it is off to get blood work done then try to find me the Ski Parka I would like to have. Then I honestly would like to come home and just relax the rest of the day and do nothing at all, Perhaps play with my new camera other than that just take it easy. I am really starting to feel the need for Allot of REST, have to start to take it easy. Best get going,

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