
Rain Rain Go Away Even Though It Was Fun Today

Look at all the RAIN, making puddles for me to jump in, YAY!

My Favorite Rain Puddles
Really starting to feel like a shut in. Every day RAIN, RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. Honestly do not remember the last day that we had any sunshine. I almost do not think I know what the sunshine looks like. Shiloh and I have been inside what seems as for weeks.
We all know as well as I do that Shiloh Miss Priss will not get her feet wet, no no way is she going to step in a puddle. she is so funny when I say "let's go out" she peeks her head out the door sniffs to see if it is raining, and if it is she backs up to come back inside. But today and the prior few days to this one I took her outside in the rain. She got very upset when there was a really great puddle so hard for me to resist from jumping in it, for I just love to jump into puddles, well Shiloh did not like it at all for she got rain water and mud on her, OOOOOH if looks could kill I would not be here writing this post, for Shiloh really did give me a Serious yet very Nasty look. I felt bad for her. She was so upset that she got a little dirty from me jumping in the puddles and getting her wet and having some mud land on her. Do not worry for I brought her in the house and washed her off and she is all Pretty again and very HAPPY. Me, I sure was HAPPY while I was jumping in the puddles, been doing it for years, So why should I stop having the fun now.

I know that I have to call the salon tomorrow to get my hair cut for it is getting so long, here I will show you not a great picture for it is an iMac Picture. Here it comes..

Oh yes definitely have to get it cut, for it seems to be way out of control.
No that is not my hair sticking up in the back ground for that is one of the pillows on my bed.
Why must I get it cut for my Birthday is exactly twelve day s away. Oh My!

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