
Pictures from Enjoyable Dinner With Family 7-24-11

Well this was when we left and got on the big Highway to get to the PUB, looks pretty empty today, not much traffic at all.
WOW Mike is Starting to go Faster and Faster Oh My

Not in the Safest Part of the Town we have to go Through to get to the PUB, I must admit, and stuck behind a TAXI Not A Good Thing At All, Dear Dear !

Oh Looky Looky We are Here YAY
O K Mike come on let's go meet the Family for another B-Day Dinner for you.
So here is the inside of The PUB, but guess what NO A/C in the waiting area, can't believe this, I can Barely Breath, AWFUL WAY to run a Restaurant, OH WELL
Here is D.S. and S. S. very glad to see them there.
At least it is cool in the dinning area, Oh how Thankful I am.
Here is My Niece J.S. she looks great, her and Mike is loosing it over something Hmm!
Would you look at the the Greatest Birthday Present Mike could have ever wanted. A Book all about Record Collecting and it goes all the way back to 1949. Oh does he ever love that present and the other present D. S. & S. S. gave him too. And Mike Says "Thank You So Very Much D. S. and S. S. this is the Best"
Oh look a slice of Birthday Cake with a Candle that is melting before he even gets to make a wish and blow it out for it is so HOT in the Kitchen. Sort of Warmer than it should be in the dinning room, I mean Mike gave me some of his cake it was melting right on the plate. Never saw that happen before and NO it was not an Ice Cream Cake
Mike forgot where he was I guess for it sure looks as if he is praying and we are not in a church
I Have No Clue Here What Mike Is Up To Here
Ahh the candle fell apart No Birthday Wish today either, Oh My! With his other cake on his Birthday the candles kept going out So he never got to make a wish or blow his candles out the wind did it for him. Have to try again next weekend. Best keep my fingers crossed on his next try or it will be 3 strikes against him and No Birthday Wish!

Well that is all the pictures of Last Night. I know that we had a very nice time with such wonderful people, FAMILY, Nothing like it. We had a very relaxing, Comfortable, and Happy Time.
Oh my Loving Sister bought me a charm for my Pandora Bracelet, it is so Beautiful and very Meaningful to me, it is round and has diamonds going completely around it, also on it has the Word "Sisters" that meant allot to me, yes it honestly did. She is the Greatest for it was not my Birthday she is So Very Thoughtful.

Well That is Mikes 2nd 50th Birthday Dinner, that he enjoyed very much.
As I said a very long time ago "Family" does make things Seem to be the Best They Could Ever Be, and yes my Sister, Brother-in-Law sure did.

For even though Mike had to get up rather early for work he came home and started looking through the Record Collecting Book they got him for his Birthday. Oh he was like a little boy, didn't want to go to bed just wanted to read his book and hold on to it. Think if I did not take it and place it on the coffee table he would have went to sleep holding it.

Yes it was a great night, and a wonderful way to have One Last Hor Rah for Mike Turning The Big 5O

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