
Hmmm What's New The Past Few Days


Starting on Sunday the day I know we shall all remember for it was the day that Bin Laden was killed. Made allot of people happy and I am sure all will remember this day.
Earlier that day I took my sister, Brother in-law and Mike out to dinner for my sister's birthday, even though it was not her Birthday yet, but she would not let me buy her anything, only allowed to take her to dinner. Then she didn't want a Birthday Cake so she ordered a piece of Cherry Cheese Cake, with a candle on it, I'll tell you I never saw a piece of cake that big in my life at a restaurant, it was HUGE, then we sang Happy Early Birthday To her. We all had a delicious dinner and a wonderful time. After leaving and saying our goodbyes Mike and I went to MASSO's to get Gelatties, now that put a smile on our faces for we did not have desert with our dinner was supposed to get it but NOPE the waitress forgot about us, no big deal she just shortened her tip. Then finally home. Then at 10:25p.m.est. is when it was announced (right in the middle of CSI Miami) that Bin Laden was Killed. I was so happy, greatest news that I believe we have all been waiting for, for about ten years almost. My neighborhood became quite loud with fire crackers, fireworks, and of course someone shooting a gun up in the air, what a night it was.

On Monday, well that is wash day, and also to start to pack up the Care Packages for The Soldiers, busy day, tiring day yet a quiet day at that.

Tuesday I finished packing up all the care packages for the soldiers. Then it was on to the paper work, the Customs Paper Work, were you have to fill out both addresses O K no problem there, but then you have to right down everything that you have in the package and the amount it cost ! Hey U S GOVT does it really matter what each item cost and how many of each item they didn't pay for it I did , perhaps it would be better just to bring in the receipt from where I bought everything from, it would be allot easier than getting Writers Cramp I swear the PO is making the LARGE boxes allot smaller, for they sure are getting allot of money out of me, $12.95 a LARGE CARE PACKAGE weighing up to 80 pounds. It is for the Soldiers and it is somethings they want and that is what is Important to me. For I know I can not fight the GOVT or the USPO. But I can make allot of Soldiers Happy and have an Instant Smile on their Faces when they open the packages. Now that is Building Up Soldier's Morale if you ask me. Then went to the P O to shop them out. Came home after picking a couple things up from the store and made Salmon for dinner.

Wednesday was writing letters to my 3 new Soldiers I received from AdoptaPlatoon to introduce myself to. Then I had about 5 Sympathy cards to write out for our Fallen Heroes through Living Legends.

Today being Thursday,Let me Say "HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO" to all.
Now on to doing wash again, cleaning the house, you know all those great things, windows, vacuuming then dusting and on and on, Then tonight I will see my Primary DR with High HOPES that he will send me to a new Cardiologist that takes care of the Aortic Valves and Pace Maker, and get Myself back to the way I was prior to the Heart Cath on 02-28-11.
Well I best get going and finish doing the glass tables and mirrors then finish up the wash and wash the ceramic tile floors. Who know perhaps when I am done I can get in a quick nap before leaving for the dR.
That's It SEE YA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Enjoy this Special Day For it is Cinco De Mayo Hey do me a Favor CELBRATE FOR ME PLEASE, Thanks ! ! ! !

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